Monday, May 30, 2011

Activity 11. Design a listening activity

Activity 11. Design a listening activity

Level: Intermediate (Batxillerat)


a) Warming up

Discuss in pairs. Did you ever think of running away from your home while being a child? How did you think that you would survive? Did you ever try it? What was the result? Do you think a child can survive alone in today’s world without the help of his/her parents?

b) Listening activity

1- First, watch the video and then write on a piece of paper what you have understood of what happens in it.

2- You can find the transcript of the video in section “e”. However, this transcript has some gaps. Try to fill them in while you watch or just listen to the video. Also, look up in the dictionary the words you don’t know and write them down with the definition.

3- Watch the video for the last time, but just as the first time, without reading the transcript, and check how much your comprehension has improved.

c) After listening

Discuss with the class. When we see the boy turning back, did you expect that ending? Why do you think the video is called “Goodbye To The Normals”? Did you know that “Magnus”, the boy’s name, means “big” in Latin? Do you think a child of his age can actually show this type of behaviour? What will happen to him now? Will he succeed in his attempt? Or do you think that he will have to come back with his parents? Imagine how different his life in both cases could be.

d) Extra activity

If you want more, we propose you a last activity to be done in pairs. Imagine that Magnus reaches America and he wants to stay in a hotel. One student can take the role of Magnus and the other can take the role of the receptionist. Recreate the conversation that they could have.

e) Transcript of the short film: Goodbye To The Normals (with gaps)

Dad: Hello, Magnus.

Magnus: Hello.

Dad: How are you?

Magnus: Fine. How are you?

Dad: Fine, thanks… You’re going on holiday? … No?

Magnus: I’m ______________ away.

Dad: Right, and... er… Where are you going?

Magnus: America.

Dad: Where about?

Magnus: ____________ _____________.

Dad: Why do you want to go there?

Magnus: I know it’s ____________ a bad ____________ recently but it’s the place that’s taken my ____________.

Dad: Right, well… fair enough.

Magnus: I’m all packed.

Dad: Good! Good… Will you be gone, ____________ _____________?

Magnus: For ever.

Dad: Oh. How about school? What about your… your bedroom? Huh? If you are not here, we ___________ ___________ to turn that into a… a brain ______________ ____________! Huh, huh.

Magnus: Don’t be ridiculous…

Dad: Right, hum… er ... Have.. Have you definitely ­­­___________ your ___________ up on this? No scope to reconsider? Anything else you want to add?

Magnus: No, that’s everything.

Dad: Great. It’s always worth ______________ these things _____________. Uh… Can I give you a ____________ to the airport?

Magnus: No, thank you.

Dad: How will you be…?

Magnus: I’m going _________ _____________.

Dad: Really? Well, I’ve _______________ him a ___________ to the airport, but apparently he’s fine, he’s going ___________ _____________.

Mum: Ok. Ah… Bologna sandwiches.

Magnus: Are they fair trade?

Mum: Oh, they’re _______________.

Magnus: Is that what I asked you?

Dad: Well, I think it’s time to say goodbye, Magnus.

Magnus: Thank you. Good luck!

Dad: Good luck to you too.

Mum: Bon voyage.

Magnus: ______________ my fucking passport!

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